The Bathmate Hydro Series is the world's first water-based penis pumping device that helps you train your penis to expand evenly. In addition, this series of pumps is also a pioneer of water-based penis enlargement which utilizes the density of water to create negative pressure in the plastic tube while creating a cushion around the penis when pressure is created.
You will get nothing but the best from this Hydro pump, built with selected medical quality materials that are safe for your skin. Each design goes through a life cycle test of up to hundreds of thousands. You can rest assured that the Hydro series is the best for you, making it a healthy choice for safe and comfortable penile pumping activities.
Not only built with high quality, Bathmate hydro series is available in three attractive color options. Everything does look transparent so you can still see what's inside. In addition, on the surface of the tube there is a measuring guide that makes it easier for you to monitor growth while focusing on pumping activities in the bathroom.
Since the beginning of the design, Bathmate hydro pumps were developed to be able to work by utilizing warm water, the mechanism consists of 3 parts, including a latch valve, a strong plastic tube, and a bottom pump. Each part has an interrelated function.
The latch valve functions to control the amount of water coming out, by pressing the black pip you can lock the water in the tube, this is done to fill the water, make sure the tube is completely filled with warm water.
When you push the pump toward your base, the tough plastic tube creates a strong but still safe level of water pressure. Simultaneously water exits from the pump end and negative water pressure is created.
Made of soft and flexible rubber makes you more comfortable using it, when you push this pump will create a tight seal to the base of the penis, preventing loss of negative water pressure.